Programme-level course for MSc Clinical Psychology Programme Page (PSY_MScClinPsy_Progpage) for students on PTS1PSYPSY15,PTS2PSYPSY17
- Course Leader (new): Tim Fawcett
- Course Leader (new): Hazel Mycroft
- Course Leader (new), Module Convenor (new): Matt Owens
- Tutor (new): Gina Collins
- Tutor (new): Lee Hogarth
- Tutor (new): David Hunt
- Tutor (new): Silvana Mareva
- Tutor (new): Leor Roseman
- Tutor (new): Jamie Tully
- Tutor (new): Vici Williamson
- Tutor (new): Larysa Zasiekina
Programme-level course for Postgraduate Forum (UOE_HLS_PSY_PSYpgforum) for students on PRH2PSYPSY01,PRP3PSYPSY04,PTS1PSYPSY01,PTS1PSYPSY03,PTS1PSYPSY05
Programme-level course for Secondhand Psychology Textbooks (UOE_HLS_PSY_PSYsecondhandtextbooks) for students on UFS1PSYPSY01,UFS3PSYPSY01,UFS3PSYPSY04
- Tutor (new): Louise Pendry
Programme-level course for Bsc Psychology With Professional Placement (UOE_HLS_PSY_UFS4PSYPSY02) for students on UFS4PSYPSY02
- Course Leader (new): Hazel Mycroft
Organisation-level course for Academic Honesty And Plagiarism Resources-PSY (PSY_acad_hon)
- Course Leader (new): Joe Alvis
- Course Leader (new): Amanda Bould
- Course Leader (new): Jessica Fisk
- Course Leader (new): Issy Hargreaves
- Course Leader (new): Lisa Lindsey-Clark
- Course Leader (new): Jessica Luck
- Course Leader (new): Nancy Marks
- Course Leader (new): Hazel Mycroft
- Course Leader (new): Ellie Toon
- Tutor (new): Alice Barker
- Tutor (new): Morgan Craig
- Tutor (new): Jess Hibberd
- Tutor (new): Gemma Mackie
- Tutor (new): Lucy Porter
Programme-level course for MSc Psychology (Conversion) (PSY_MScPsy_Conversion) for students on PTS1PSYEDU01,PTS2PSYEDU01
- Course Leader (new): Rebecca Georgis
- Course Leader (new): Lenka Janik Blaskova
- Course Leader (new), Module Convenor (new): Angeliki Kallitsoglou
- Course Leader (new): Sally Palmer
- Course Leader (new): Lamprini Psychogiou
Organisation-level course for Psychology Handbook and other useful info (PSY_Handbook_Geninfo)
- Course Leader (new): Cris Burgess
- Course Leader (new): Doretta Caramaschi
- Course Leader (new): Chengetai Charidza
- Course Leader (new): Tim Fawcett
- Course Leader (new): Ioanna Kapantai
- Course Leader (new): Lisa Leaver
- Course Leader (new): Nicole Madeley
- Course Leader (new): Josip Martincic
- Course Leader (new): Hazel Mycroft
- Course Leader (new): Lexy Newbold
- Course Leader (new): Ed Watkins
- Tutor (new): Kathy Al-Suri
- Tutor (new): Jenny McGarvey
- Tutor (new): Keith Mitchell
- Tutor (new): Daniel Moore
- Tutor (new): Soo Yim
Organisation-level course for Psychology Ethics (PSYethics)
- Course Leader (new), Module Convenor (new): Julian Basanovic
- Course Leader (new): Ciro Civile
- Course Leader (new): Natalie Knight
- Course Leader (new): Ian Mclaren