Module cohort course for Transitioning to Advanced Clinical Practice (HPDM165CDA_1C22_123_202425)
- Course Leader (new), Module Convenor (new): Sii Luxford-Wragg
- Tutor (new): Sophie Cowie
- Tutor (new): Sara Meakin
- Module Convenor (new): Gemma Foley
Module cohort course for Transitioning to Advanced Clinical Practice (HPDM165BDA_1C23_123_202425)
- Course Leader (new), Module Convenor (new): Sii Luxford-Wragg
- Tutor (new): Sophie Cowie
- Tutor (new): Sara Meakin
- Module Convenor (new): Gemma Foley
Module cohort course for End Point Assessment (HPDM120DA_1C22_3_202425)
- Course Leader (new), Module Convenor (new): Kirstie Brown
Module cohort course for Transitioning to Advanced Clinical Practice (HPDM165ADA_1C24_123_202425)
- Course Leader (new), Module Convenor (new): Sii Luxford-Wragg
- Tutor (new): Amad Al-Azzawi
- Tutor (new): Sophie Cowie
- Tutor (new): Fay Manning
- Tutor (new): Sara Meakin
- Module Convenor (new): Gemma Foley