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University of Exeter
Core Provision
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Health and Care Professions
Medical Imaging (Radiography)
Course categories
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Accounting
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Economics
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Finance / XFi
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / MBA
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / SITE
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Sustainable Futures
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Penryn (UEBS)
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Computer Science
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Camborne School of Mines
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Centre for Geography and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Environmental Mathematics Group
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Ecology and Conservation
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Geography
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Physics and Astronomy
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Physics and Astronomy / Natural Sciences
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Environment and Sustainability Institute
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Global Systems Institute
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Programmes (ESE)
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Biosciences
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Academy of Nursing
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Advanced Clinical Practice
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Medical Imaging
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Pharmacy
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Psychology
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Psychology / CEDAR
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / European Centre for Environment and Human Health
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Health and Community Sciences
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Medical Science
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Medicine
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Medicine Year 1
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Medicine Year 2
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Medicine Year 3
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Medical Sciences (Medicine)
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Neuroscience
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Sport and Health Sciences
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Living Systems Institute
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Programmes (HLS)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Archaeology and History
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Archaeology and History / Archaeology
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Archaeology and History / History
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Art History and Visual Culture
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology / Classics and Ancient History
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology / Theology and Religion
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Communications, Drama and Film
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Communications, Drama and Film / Communications Studies
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Communications, Drama and Film / Drama
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Communications, Drama and Film / Film
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / English and Creative Writing
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / English and Creative Writing / Liberal Arts
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Flexible Combined Honours
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Foreign Language Centre
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Law School
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Law School (Penryn)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Modern Languages
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Modern Languages / Chinese (ML)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Modern Languages / French (ML)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Modern Languages / German (ML)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Modern Languages / Hispanic Studies (ML)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Modern Languages / Italian (ML)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Modern Languages / Portuguese (ML)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Modern Languages / Russian (ML)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / School of Education
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / School of Education / DLL
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / School of Education / NQT Only
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Criminology
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Strategy and Security Institute
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Strategy and Security Institute / SSI Executive Education
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Societies and Cultures Institute
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science / Programmes (HASS)
Legacy Structure
Legacy Structure / Centre for Leadership Studies
Legacy Structure / Institute of Cornish Studies
Legacy Structure / Continuing Professional Development
Legacy Structure / College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Legacy Structure / Programmes (CEMPS)
Legacy Structure / College of Humanities
Legacy Structure / Programmes (CHUM)
Legacy Structure / College of Life and Environmental Sciences
Legacy Structure / Programmes (CLES)
Legacy Structure / College of Social Sciences and International Studies
Legacy Structure / Programmes (CSSIS)
Exeter Online_MA Education
Exeter Online_MA Education / EO Templates
Exeter Online_MA Education / CSSIS Online
Exeter Online_MA Education / CSSIS Online / MA Education
Degree Apprenticeship
Degree Apprenticeship / CEMPS DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CEMPS DA / Camborne School of Mines DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CEMPS DA / Computing DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CEMPS DA / Engineering DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CLES DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CLES DA / Psychology DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CMH DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CMH DA / Health DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CMH DA / Radiography DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CSSIS DA
Degree Apprenticeship / CSSIS DA / Politics DA
Degree Apprenticeship / UEBS DA
Degree Apprenticeship / UEBS DA / Finance DA
Degree Apprenticeship / UEBS DA / Management DA
Degree Apprenticeship / UEBS DA / MBA DA
University of Exeter Online (Masters)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / HLS Online
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / HLS Online / MSc Psychology (UoE Online)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / HLS Online / MSc Global Sustainability (UoE Online)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / HLS Online / PGCert Psychedelics: Mind, Medicine, and Culture (Online)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / HLS Online / MSc/PGCert/PGDip Medical Mycology (Online)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / HLS Online / MSc Health Data Science (Online)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / ESE Online
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / ESE Online / Business Transformation (UoE Online)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / ESE Online / MSc International Business (UoE Online)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / ESE Online / MBA (UoE Online)
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / HASS Online
University of Exeter Online (Masters) / HASS Online / (Masters) MA Education
University Resources
University Resources / Blended and Online Teaching
University Resources / Doctoral Training Partnerships
University Resources / Grand Challenges 2018
University Resources / Grand Challenges 2019
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE)
UoE PS Departments (OLD)
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Academic Services
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Academic Services / Education Quality and Enhancement
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Academic Services / Employability and Graduate Development
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Academic Services / Enterprise Applications
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Academic Services / Postgraduate Skills Training
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Academic Services / Student Services
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Academic Services / Quality Review
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Campus Services
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Finance Services
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Personnel and Staff Development
UoE PS Departments (OLD) / Strategic Planning and Change
ULCC / turnitin test
UoE Professional Services
UoE Professional Services / Learning Development Team
UoE Professional Services / Learning Development Team / ELE Training Courses
UoE Professional Services / Learning Development Team / Module Templates
UoE Professional Services / Self Enrolment Courses
UoE Professional Services / Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE)
UoE Professional Services / BMBS 2024/5
UoE Professional Services / Pilot ELE 2022/3
UoE Professional Services / Pilots
University of Exeter
University of Exeter / INTO Provision
University of Exeter / INTO Provision / INTO
University of Exeter / INTO Provision / INTO / 2023/4
University of Exeter / INTO Provision / INTO / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Finance and Accounting (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Finance and Accounting (APP) / Centre for Finance and Investment (Xfi) (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Finance and Accounting (APP) / Centre for Finance and Investment (Xfi) (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Finance and Accounting (APP) / Centre for Finance and Investment (Xfi) (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP) / Degree Apprenticeships (Business School) (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP) / Degree Apprenticeships (Business School) (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP) / Degree Apprenticeships (Business School) (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP) / Organisational Behaviour and HRM (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP) / Organisational Behaviour and HRM (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP) / Organisational Behaviour and HRM (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / University of Exeter Business School (APP) / Management (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Computer Science (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Computer Science (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Computer Science (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Engineering (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Engineering (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Engineering (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Engineering (APP) / Engineering Streatham (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Earth and Environmental Science (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Earth and Environmental Science (APP) / Camborne School of Mines (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Earth and Environmental Science (APP) / Camborne School of Mines (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Earth and Environmental Science (APP) / Camborne School of Mines (APP) / Mining and Minerals (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Earth and Environmental Science (APP) / Camborne School of Mines (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (APP) / Mathematics and Statistics (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology (APP
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology (APP / Politics (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology (APP / Politics (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology (APP / Politics (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology (APP / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology (APP / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology (APP) / Sociology (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology (APP / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology (APP) / Sociology (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / School of Education (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / School of Education (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (APP) / School of Education (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / University of Exeter Medical School (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / University of Exeter Medical School (APP) / Health and Community Sciences (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / University of Exeter Medical School (APP) / Health and Community Sciences (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / University of Exeter Medical School (APP) / Health and Community Sciences (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP) / Advanced Clinical Practice (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP) / Advanced Clinical Practice (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP) / Advanced Clinical Practice (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP) / Pharmacy (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP) / Pharmacy (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP) / Medical Imaging (Radiography) (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP) / Medical Imaging (Radiography) (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Health and Care Professions (APP) / Medical Imaging (Radiography) (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Psychology (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Psychology (APP) / CEDAR (APP)
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Psychology (APP) / CEDAR (APP) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (APP) / Psychology (APP) / CEDAR (APP) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Apprenticeship Provision / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Computer Science
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Computer Science / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Computer Science / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Ecology and Conservation
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Ecology and Conservation / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Ecology and Conservation / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering / Engineering Penryn
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering / Engineering Penryn / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering / Engineering Penryn / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering / Engineering Streatham
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Engineering / Engineering Streatham / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Geography
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Geography / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Geography / Human Geography
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Geography / Human Geography / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Geography / Human Geography / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Geography / Physical Geography
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Geography / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Mathematics and Statistics
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Mathematics and Statistics / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Mathematics and Statistics / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Physics and Astronomy
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Physics and Astronomy / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Physics and Astronomy / Natural Sciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Physics and Astronomy / Natural Sciences / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Physics and Astronomy / Natural Sciences / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Physics and Astronomy / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Finance and Accounting
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Finance and Accounting / Accounting
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Finance and Accounting / Accounting / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Finance and Accounting / Accounting / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Finance and Accounting / Centre for Finance and Investment (Xfi)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Finance and Accounting / Centre for Finance and Investment (Xfi) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Finance and Accounting / Centre for Finance and Investment (Xfi) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Economics
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Economics / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Economics / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Degree Apprenticeships (Business School)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / MBA
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / MBA / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / MBA / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Sustainable Futures
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Sustainable Futures / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Sustainable Futures / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Business Strategy and Marketing
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Business Strategy and Marketing / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Business Strategy and Marketing / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Organisational Behaviour and HRM
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Organisational Behaviour and HRM / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Organisational Behaviour and HRM / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Operations and Analytics
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Operations and Analytics / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Operations and Analytics / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / University of Exeter Business School / Management / Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Centre for Geography and Environmental Sciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Centre for Geography and Environmental Sciences / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Centre for Geography and Environmental Sciences / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Camborne School of Mines
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Camborne School of Mines / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Camborne School of Mines / Geology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Camborne School of Mines / Mining and Minerals
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Camborne School of Mines / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Environmental Mathematics Group
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Environmental Mathematics Group / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Earth and Environmental Science / Environmental Mathematics Group / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Environment and Sustainability Institute
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy / Global Systems Institute
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / School of Education
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / School of Education / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / School of Education / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / English and Creative Writing
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / English and Creative Writing / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / English and Creative Writing / Liberal Arts
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / English and Creative Writing / Liberal Arts / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / English and Creative Writing / Liberal Arts / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / English and Creative Writing / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Flexible Combined Honours
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Flexible Combined Honours / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Flexible Combined Honours / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Law School
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Law School / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Law School / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Archaeology and History
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Archaeology and History / Archaeology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Archaeology and History / Archaeology / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Archaeology and History / Archaeology / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Archaeology and History / History
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Archaeology and History / History / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Archaeology and History / History / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Classics, Ancient History, Religion, and Theology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Classics, Ancient History, Religion, and Theology / Classics and Ancient History
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Classics, Ancient History, Religion, and Theology / Classics and Ancient History / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Classics, Ancient History, Religion, and Theology / Classics and Ancient History / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Classics, Ancient History, Religion, and Theology / Theology and Religion
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Classics, Ancient History, Religion, and Theology / Theology and Religion / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Classics, Ancient History, Religion, and Theology / Theology and Religion / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Communications Studies
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Communications Studies / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Communications Studies / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Drama
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Drama / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Drama / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Film
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Film / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Communications, Drama and Film / Film / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / English at Penryn
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / History at Penryn
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / History at Penryn / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / History at Penryn / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / Law School at Penryn
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / Law School at Penryn / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / Law School at Penryn / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / Politics at Penryn
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / Politics at Penryn / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / Politics at Penryn / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall / Modern Languages (including AHV) at Penryn
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Art History and Visual Culture
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Art History and Visual Culture / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Art History and Visual Culture / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / British Sign Language (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / British Sign Language (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / British Sign Language (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / French (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / French (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / French (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / German (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / German (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / German (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Italian (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Italian (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Italian (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Japanese (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Japanese (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Japanese (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Korean (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Korean (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Korean (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Chinese (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Chinese (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Chinese (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Russian (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Russian (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Russian (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Spanish (FLC)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Spanish (FLC) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Foreign Language Centre / Spanish (FLC) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / French (ML)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / French (ML) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / French (ML) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / German (ML)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / German (ML) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / German (ML) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Italian (ML)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Italian (ML) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Italian (ML) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Chinese (ML)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Chinese (ML) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Chinese (ML) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Portuguese (ML)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Portuguese (ML) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Portuguese (ML) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Russian (ML)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Russian (ML) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Russian (ML) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Hispanic Studies (ML)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Hispanic Studies (ML) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / Hispanic Studies (ML) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies / Modern Languages / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / Strategy and Security Institute
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / Strategy and Security Institute / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / Strategy and Security Institute / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / Comparative Politics
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / Comparative Politics/Q-Step
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / International Relations
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / Public Policy
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / Political Theory
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Politics / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Anthropology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Anthropology / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Anthropology / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Criminology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Criminology / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Criminology / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Philosophy
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Philosophy / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Philosophy / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Sociology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Sociology / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology / Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology / Sociology / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences / Societies and Cultures Institute
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Biosciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Biosciences / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Biosciences / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Medical Science
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Medical Science / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Medical Science / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Medicine
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Medicine / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Medicine / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Medicine / 2025/6
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Neuroscience
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Neuroscience / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences / Neuroscience / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Health and Community Sciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Health and Community Sciences / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Health and Community Sciences / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / European Centre for Environment and Human Health
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / European Centre for Environment and Human Health / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / European Centre for Environment and Human Health / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / Public Health
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / Public Health / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / Public Health / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / Sport and Health Sciences
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / Sport and Health Sciences / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / University of Exeter Medical School / Public Health and Sport Sciences / Sport and Health Sciences / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Psychology
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Psychology / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Psychology / CEDAR
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Psychology / CEDAR / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Psychology / CEDAR / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Psychology / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Advanced Clinical Practice
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Advanced Clinical Practice / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Advanced Clinical Practice / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Academy of Nursing
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Academy of Nursing / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Academy of Nursing / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Pharmacy
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Pharmacy / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Pharmacy / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Medical Imaging (Radiography)
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Medical Imaging (Radiography) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Health and Care Professions / Medical Imaging (Radiography) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences / Living Systems Institute
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Sabbaticals
University of Exeter / Core Provision / Universtiy of Law
University of Exeter / Online Provision
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (ONL) / School of Education (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (ONL) / School of Education (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (ONL) / School of Education (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / Biosciences (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / Biosciences (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / Biosciences (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / Psychology (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / Psychology (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / Psychology (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Public Health and Sport Sciences (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Public Health and Sport Sciences (ONL) / Public Health (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Public Health and Sport Sciences (ONL) / Public Health (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Public Health and Sport Sciences (ONL) / Public Health (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Public Health and Sport Sciences (ONL) / European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Public Health and Sport Sciences (ONL) / European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (ONL) / Medicine (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (ONL) / Medicine (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (ONL) / Medicine (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (ONL) / Medical Science (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (ONL) / Medical Science (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (ONL) / Medical Science (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Health and Community Sciences (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Health and Community Sciences (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / University of Exeter Medical School (ONL) / Health and Community Sciences (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / Health and Care Professions (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (ONL) / Health and Care Professions (ONL) / Medical Imaging (Radiography) (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Finance and Accounting (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Finance and Accounting (ONL) / Accounting (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Finance and Accounting (ONL) / Accounting (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Finance and Accounting (ONL) / Accounting (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Management (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Management (ONL) / Business Strategy and Marketing (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Management (ONL) / Business Strategy and Marketing (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Management (ONL) / Business Strategy and Marketing (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Management (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Economics (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Economics (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / University of Exeter Business School (ONL) / Economics (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / Geography (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / Geography (ONL) / Human Geography (ONL)
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / Geography (ONL) / 2023/4
University of Exeter / Online Provision / Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ONL) / Geography (ONL) / 2024/5
University of Exeter / 2023/4
ELE1 Archive 2022/3
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Cross-sectional Imaging Practice Placement (PAMM114_A_3_202425)
CT: Theory and Applications (PAMM113_A_2_202425)
MRI: Theory and Applications (PAMM112_A_2_202425)
Scientific Principles of Cross-sectional Imaging (PAMM111_A_1_202425)
Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3020_A_2_202425)
Pathology and Image Interpretation 2 (PAM3019_A_2_202425)
Practice Placement 3 (PAM3018_A_1_202425)
Health Sciences Research Project (PAM3017_A_123_202425)
Health Sciences Literature Review (PAM3016_A_123_202425)
Digital Image Processing for Radiographers (PAM3012_A_2_202425)
Project Studies 2 (PAM3004_A_13_202425)
Pathology and Image Interpretation 1 (PAM2014_A_13_202425)
Medical Imaging Applications (PAM2013_A_13_202425)
Science for Medical Imaging (PAM2011_A_13_202425)
Project Studies 1 (PAM2007_A_13_202425)
Practical Placement 2 (PAM2006_A_2_202425)
Fundamentals of Radiographic Practice (PAM1020_A_12_202425)
Anatomy and Physiology for Radiographers (PAM1019_A_12_202425)
Foundations of Patient Care (PAM1018_A_12_202425)
Research and Evidence Based Practice (PAM1016_A_1_202425)
Practical Placement 1 (PAM1007_A_2_202425)
Accessibility Statement
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